WHY use research?Why_use_research.html
HOW do we do it?How_do_we_do_it.html
WHAT do we do well?What_do_we_do_well.html
WHO are our clients?Who_are_our_clients.html
WHAT are the results?What_are_the_results.html
WHERE can you find us?Where_can_you_find_us.html

Research takes the guess work out of decision making


A road traveled well.  A J Lerner Market Research was established in 1993 as a woman-owned strategic market research consultancy.  Founder Alaine Lerner has established a unique business model that builds on decades of classical research expertise, yet is adapted to management’s need for relevant and cost effective market information.

We partner with our clients, designing research that takes into account:

  1. Bulletimmediate business information needs

  2. Bulletoverall business concerns

  3. Bulletbudget

  4. Bullettime pressures


Vintage ads included to provide visual interest and maybe a smile.  From Photobucket.com

You can count on our research expertise, knowledge of marketing, business principals and practices, real world experience and interpretation of key findings to create reliable, innovative and actionable recommendations.